Collaborative and cooperative support

Since my forced re-patriation of my hosting from Timico I have had superlative support from the team at CloudTree.
I was, however experiencing an error accessing back-end database tables that gave me a 404 error and ultimately a blocking of my domain. These interim, blocks were released quickly but it was a 1:1 session with Andrew over the weekend that allowed us to trap what caused it but not only trap it, Andrew provided the cause of the security error that I was able to feedback to my back-end developer support in Australia.
The provision of that detailed description and code enabled them to turnaround a fix in less than 8 hours.
They were astounded by the level of help I had received and also the fact that CloudTree had enabled them to roll out a much more robust product to overcome Mod_security issues.
I am an Agile practitioner and the service from CloudTree enabled a truly agile approach to resolving the problem through cooperative and collaborative working.

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